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Yep, I asked for a shower cap for Christmas

When I was a kid, coming up with a Christmas list was the easiest and most fun thing to do in the world. This doll, that art set, the leather hat that Alisa Reyes wore in the original “All That” intro:

The fact that my mom found me a hat like this made it one of the best Christmases ever!

As an adult, a homeowner, and a mama, that has changed dramatically. Sometimes, stuff can become overwhelming.

A couple of years ago, Zack became big a fan of the KonMari Method and, just as Marie says, I was inspired to get organized without Zack even mentioning it to me. Even just yesterday I donated a huge bag of clothes and shoes and it felt incredible.

So when it came to giving my family Christmas gift ideas, I tried to err on the side of practicality. Things like new black TOMS to replace the ones I’ve worn into the ground, literally.

And, quite possibly one of the most random and practical gifts I’ve ever asked for, a shower cap. But not just any shower cap.


This isn’t your mama’s frilly shower cap. And definitely not the one you find in a hotel that would do a better job protecting a peanut butter sandwich than your hair. When I saw the SHHHOWERCAP in a Facebook ad, I was very intrigued.

Gone are the days of an imprint across my forehead from the elastic band. Gone are the days of looking like Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother as water collects in the ruffles.

Zack bought me a leopard one for Christmas, and it’s pretty grand. I don’t wash my hair every day, or even every other day. Dry shampoo is my friend (and something else I asked for this Christmas). When my hair was long, I could at least pull it back in the shower. But with a short haircut, all I can do is try to avoid the water, and tame the frizzies that would spring up from the steam.

No longer.

The SHHHOWERCAP is truly the shower cap reinvented with its really cute prints and turban style. This morning, my hair was totally dry when I took it off and I didn’t have a big mark on my forehead. This thing is practically perfect in every way.


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